25 September 2007

london calling

London is brilliant.
i have been here since june now and i will stay here until just before christmas. i live just off queensgate in south kensington, which i'm very thankful for, as it is in my eye the perfect place to stay in london. not only is it central (think twenty minutes to harrod's, strolling in the afternoon sun, uh, drizzle rather) but it is also close to where i work (old marylebone road in, you guessed it, marylebone). It takes me about about 45 minutes by foot to work, which comes in handy when the tube doesen't go (which RARELY happens...).
but seriously, london is cool. great pubs, great gigs, great art - i like it. I must say, it doesen't always come in cheap, but whatever, it's not like you have the chance to live in the coolest city of present times everyday, is it?

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