25 March 2009

Goin' Home

In quite a good mood today.

12 March 2009

The Lever

Behold the awesomeness that is Conan and Walker, Texas Ranger combined:

Conan Walker Clips

06 March 2009

Stairway to Heaven


The Basketball Jones

The Basketball Jones Demo Reel from The Basketball Jones on Vimeo.

Should you be into Basketball, in-depth analysis and just the right amount (a lot) of Canadian craziness - this is for you. Check out the daily 'The Basketball Jones' podcast, the best podcast out there.

pans and colanders

Short #3

"You really got me" he said.
"Ramble on" she said.
They liked playing this game. It reminded them of a youth they never experienced and memories that, at least, seemed to be real.
"Strangebrew" they said and burst out laughing.

05 March 2009

Short #2

Two slightly distorted guitars. Or was it just him that was distorted? He didn't have time to contemplate this, after all he had set out to rescue the world. "This might be of importance" he thought. He didn't know what to do.

04 March 2009

Short #1

He was quite certain that he did a good job. He was good at what he did, especially considering that he was never completely sure what it was that he did. Usually he liked it that way. In the last couple of days though, something he couldn't quite pin down slowly crept up in the back of his mind.

'Short' will be a regular, but not so regular feature in the future. These are snippets of stories, usually scribbled down on a small piece of paper, or a napkin (cliché alarm). Feel free to utilise these snippets as the beginning of your blockbuster novel, your bedtime story, your comic relief in the opera you've been writing for the past ten years or simply to blow your nose.

03 March 2009

A Street

I used to be your favorite drunk
Good for one more laugh
Then we both ran out of luck
And luck was all we had

You put on a uniform
To fight the Civil War
I tried to join but no one liked
The side I'm fighting for

So let's drink to when it's over
And let's drink to when we meet
I'll be standing on this corner
Where there used to be a street

You left me with the dishes
And a baby in the bath
And you're tight with the militias
You wear their camouflage

I guess that makes us equal
But I want to march with you
An extra in the sequel
To the old red-white-and-blue

So let's drink to when it's over
And let's drink to when we meet
I'll be standing on this corner
Where there used to be a street

I cried for you this morning
And I'll cry for you again
But I'm not in charge of sorrow
So please don't ask me when

I know the burden's heavy
As you bear it through the night
Some people say it's empty
But that doesn't mean it's light

So let's drink to when it's over
And let's drink to when we meet
I'll be standing on this corner
Where there used to be a street

It's going to be September now
For many years to come
Every heart adjusting
To that strict September drum

I see the Ghost of Culture
With numbers on his wrist
Salute some new conclusion
Which of all of us have missed

So let's drink to when it's over
And let's drink to when we meet
I'll be standing on this corner
Where there used to be a street

--Leonard Cohen

Seen and reprinted without permission from the 2nd March 2009 issue of The New Yorker

25 February 2009


... ne devient pas une blog photographique.

23 February 2009

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